Monday, December 22, 2008


I have enjoyed my Pearl Blackberry phone for the past two years. It's compact, my total bill is always around $70 per month, I have unlimited text and I generally have not gone over my call plan even though I live in San Francisco and have a I Illinois 630 area code.

I did drop it a few weeks ago, but I always drop it and haven't had a problem. Well, I must have dropped it one too many times. It started with not being able to use the pearl to send the text messages or answer calls. Now when I start typing a text message it sends before I am done typing. IRG!

My contract is up this month, I think this is a sign to go get a new phone, but I am hoping I don't regret switching because before this malfunction, I loved my phone. Hard decision coming, hoping to get it right, my phone is my lifeline and I need it to be affordable, durable and functional!

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