Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Gov. Sarah Palin said Wednesday that she would be honored to help President-elect Barack Obama in his new administration, even if he did hang around with an "unrepentant domestic terrorist."

She is haunting me in the worst way. I hear about this moron and her hokey dumb speak blabbering her mouth EVERYWHERE! It is 2:40 p.m. pacific time and I just logged onto CNN and there is a big picture of her with the headline, "Palin says she would be Honored to Help Obama." WTF! She is like crack for the liberal media, and they can’t get enough of making fun of her. Please stop, people like Palin and people on crack, are REALLY annoying.

This afternoon she was on Wolf Blitzer’s Situation Room, tonight she is a guest on Larry King, she spoke with Matt Lauer on the Today Show yesterday, and she is quoted all over,,,, EVERYWHERE. She is talking about running for President in 2012, her thoughts on why the GOP lost the election, what she thinks of Obama now that she and McCain lost the election – SHUT UP!

Would the good people of Alaska (you know, those REAL American people) do me a favor and ask her to shut her trap for a few months and have her do her job - you know, actually be the Governor of Alaska.

Currently she can’t say no to blabbing her uneducated mouth all over the “liberal” media she so often hated on throughout her redneck rallies she did for the McCain campaign.

You lost girl – get over it! There are only so many train wrecks I can watch in a row before I get desensitized to morons. Sarah, please stop spreading your lame conservative viewpoints throughout the country and start doing your job!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You tell em brother!