Tuesday, October 7, 2008


It was a normal afternoon at the gym today until I walked out of the shower and noticed 10 guys stopped and starring at the TV in the middle of the locker room.

I quickly thought maybe there was a killing spree, a national disaster or maybe a political candidate made a big fumble!

Nope, it was 10 guys standing around in silence watching a CNN clip of this mornings The View. They were watching Whoopi and Elisabeth Hasselbeck bicker about the candidates for President. Stopped changing to listen in on a noticeably controversial conversation on the shady characters each candidate has been involved with in the past. See it below, Sherri also get passionate about Obama- that's a first!

Do you think the discussions on The View play a role in the election? Do you find it weird for 10 guys to stop and listen to these women argue in a locker room? Are you into this election as much as I am?


AAWG said...

I find it hilarious that a bunch of half-naked gym guys are bickering over these cackling hens.

The View should be as entertaining as having any conversation with wing nuts and half-wits who don't know if the world is round. No one should be changing their vote over what any of these women have to say - even Barbara Walters.

Anonymous said...

I'm a bit embarrassed to say that I've been watching The View fairly regularly since I've been at home. If I was in the gym locker room I might have stopped to watch. I think they do a decent job of expressing themselves. Are they the most knowledgable people to discuss politics? Probably not. But they never claim to be experts. They have opinions and they are free to share them even if they are maddening sometimes. With that said, I appreciate the fact that Hasselback is on the show because she keeps us liberals honest. Nearly half the country holds positions like her and it is fascinating to see how the other side thinks through arguements. I think what most of she says in bull, but she has the right to say it.

Anonymous said...

Sorry about the errors.