Wednesday, June 24, 2009



From the Philadelphia set of the 2010 movie "The Best and Brightest." 
photo found on:

As seen on facebook

KSLATZ and John just had dinner across from Neil Patrick Harris (Doogie Howser) and his boyfriend, Amy Sedaris, Bonnie Summerville (look her up on IMDB) and the guy from the MAC/PC Commercials (not Justin Long, the other dude) who were all filming a movie called The Best and The Brightest. Dinner was delicious. We also met our first paparazzi - the Philly Chit Chat dude - and when we left dinner he gave us all the gossip about the film.


My daily afternoon dog walk brought a sweet discovery this week...I found a movie was being filmed down the street from my house. The film crew spilled outside of a brownstone as I walked the girls home from playing Frisbee. 

When I got home John called and I pitched him my idea for dinner - chicken, cheese and veggie scrambled eggs. He laughed at me and we decided to go out for dinner. I told him I saw a restaurant on my way home from the dog park and we should try it. What he didn't know was that this restaurant was directly across the street from house with all of the movie filming going on.


We sat at a perfect table in the front window of Audry Claire restaurant. We talked about the reviews we both had read as we are typical yelpers - always reading the reviews and hardly ever leaving a review!  

There was several small groups of people in the restaurant. I didn't immediately see any celebrities around the room so turned my attention outside. I told John I hoped one would walk by so I could point them out to him, as he acts like a school girl every time he sees one. 

Boom - out of the corner of my eye I see Neil Patrick Harris across the dining room from us eating with a group of people - he had been there the whole time! 

I said, "John, look it's Doogie Howser!" 

I then asked if I was too loud when I said "Doogie." Thankfully he said no.  

The man sitting across the table from him was his cute boyfriend. Next to the bf was two beautiful blond woman. I immediately thought they were interns but I figured out one of them is Amy Sedaris - who is laugh-out-loud hilarious and adorable! (I would very much enjoy meeting her brother - the famous author David Sedaris

John and I immediately halt all conversation and listen across the room. We were far enough away for it to be cool, yet close enough to hear most of what was going down at their table. 

From what I gathered, the other pretty blond woman (who I now know to be actress Bonnie Sommerville) tried to pay the bill and asked, "Do you take discovery card?" Neil Patrick Harris (NPH) laughed and said, "Do you mean Discover Card?"

The whole table giggled about it. NPH's boyfriend jumped up and ran across the street to get money from the cash machine. When he came back he brought a bottle of alcohol and handed it to's a BYOB restaurant.

A man with an ear piece arrived and took Miss Sommerville to the set, holding an umbrella over her head as they crossed the street since it started to rain. 

Minutes later they all have a loud conversation with the waitstaff  - talking about: the cool mood in the restaurant - no loud music - very chill environment - nice breezes with the windows open, etc. Basically how much they enjoyed eating and drinking there. 

They paid the bill and headed over to the movie set. 

When they left I paid attention to NPH who is very skinny, super cute and just a normal looking guy - but there were more wrinkles than I expected. I believe he was in costume...he wore a dress shirt and khaki's. 

Amy Sedaris was so short and cute...and wore a colorful-artsy T-shirt with some wickedly-cool-thick-rimmed glasses. 

It was just fun to see them all interact with each other, very much like being across the lunch room at school but the kids across from you work on TV/movies. 

When they left we finished our meal, John did his immediate post on facebook and tried to send a tweet on twitter but he couldn't figure it out on my phone. 


We walked home so we would pass the movie set and saw a member of the paparazzi. I actually asked him if he was paparazzi and he said he runs Philly Chit Chat blog. 

He asked us if we saw the cover of the Enquirer and we said we hadn't (we later figured out he meant the Philadelphia Inquirer - the local paper - not the famous tabloid). He said he got yelled at by the crew as they said they didn't like the picture in the paper and he couldn't take any more pictures. 

He told them, "Does it look like this is my first day on the job?" 

Which made use both laugh because he reeked of paparazzi - it was a smell anyone would recognize - he knew his rights as a camera stalker! 


I love that John and I always have so much fun together whenever we go out! When we got home we laughed more about the whole night and jumped on facebook to let the world know we dined with movie stars!

1 comment:

Adolfo said...

I love Amy Sedaris. Sounds like a great time. I didn't even know NPH was gay. Good to know.