Friday, May 29, 2009


I went to the Cubs game last night with my brother Scott. While I waited for him to get off work, I enjoyed a couple cold Goose Island beers at Murphy's Bleachers.

I was looking out for my brother near the entrance of the bar and saw Ronnie Woo-Woo talking to some fans. I was close enough to get some nice photos of him. I loved that he had a sharpie marker attached to his uniform so he could sign his autographs - he has always been a ladies man.

For those who don't know him, Mr. Woo Woo is a Chicago legend. I will always be a fan of his even though he can be very annoying, shouting woo! woo! woo! every two seconds of the game. I believe he is the Cubs unofficial mascot. True Cubs fans know the quirky history of the team and if you are truly a fan of the team you would know all about Ronnie Woo Woo!

More to come on Mr. Woo Woo. I'm going to do some research on him and report back on my findings.

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