Monday, October 27, 2008


Maybe it's the company I keep. Or maybe it's the events I choose to attend. Or maybe it's the hippies of the great state of California. For whatever reason, I have noticed knitting making a big comeback - or maybe it has always been popular and I just started to notice. I have three recent knitting stories to share...

First, the Now and Zen concert a few weeks back. I saw an older hippie mom and her young 13 year old son hanging in the park having a great time at the concert. Half way through the show she pulls out her knitting and starts to dance while she makes a scarf out of yarn.

Recap: grown woman; dancing with her 13-year old son; in the lawn of an outdoor concert; knitting a red scarf; grooving to Sugar Ray and Gavin DeGraw. Weird or normal?

Second, the Bridge School Benefit yesterday. Two woman in the seats a few rows up had their knitting with them. In beginning of the video above you can see one of them pulling the yarn up through the video. These two ladies did the popular chair dance moves to songs they recognized while making what looked to be matching tan blankets. They did however take a break for a giant tray of nachos - which had re fried beans, gobs of cheese, peppers, sour cream etc. Recap: two woman chair dancing, eating nachos and knitting through Josh Groban and Death Cab for Cutie.

Third, today at work, while I was trying to get my newsletter designed and sent to the printer, I could hear 2 co-workers next to my desk having a 10 minute conversation on knitting and the best yarn stores in San Francisco and what yarn stores they love in NYC. They discussed what they are currently making out of yarn and what they will be making in the future. Recap: blah blah blah - yarn.

NOW - My mom has always knitted baby blankets and scarves and I imagine she talked about it at work. But she is a Michael's Craft Store shopper...I couldn't imagine her traveling to specialty stores for yarn. She wouldn't dance at an outdoor concert while she was knitting either - at least I don't think she would. Maybe momma Slattery brings her knitting to concerts and I just didn't think to ask if she did. I know she loves Bon Jovi and I think she might have seen his concert. I will have to ask if she like to dance at concerts while knitting.

I guess there is nothing wrong with all of this. Just pointing out some knitting oddities I have seen/heard of late.

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