Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Recycling is such a part of everyday life in San Francisco. 

My company is just steps away of becoming a certified green business - which is a lot of work. I just joined the green committee at work and we had a meeting today, so I am excited about working on being more green in my everyday life! 

One of my projects at work is developing a green blog where members of our organization discuss the efforts they are making to green their business. It's called Eco411: www.onlyinsanfrancisco.com/green/eco411 

Green companies are uniting through several organizations to get the word out about their products and services. One of these organizations is called Greentopia (www.egreentopia.com) a green consulting group who has over 1100 San Francisco partners/members. This group has been recruited to consult and communicate how our members are doing in their greening efforts. 

Have you thought about greening your workplace? Your home? How you shop?     

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