Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Memorial Day weekend wasn't filled with my typical long afternoons in the sun at a beer garden/street festival or late night parties ending in dance filled debauchery. I spent quality time with my loving man and my three adorable pups – it was perfect in every way!

We had a friend over for dinner last night as John made steak, potato salad and grilled veggies – yum! He's such a great chef and a master of the barbeque grill!

During the dinner conversation we heard about the many big life changes that were going on with our friend - all happening in the next few months.

John compared the difficult life changing decisions she was making to the many he’s made in life - like leaving loving friends and family behind in an effort to progress in his career.

He said, "I can't even imagine still scrubbing cases at that hospital in North Carolina," referring to the surgery position he held at the beginning of his career.

Which led to several discussions about many of our closest friends in high school still living in our hometowns and how they are happy with the small-town lifestyle. And we all knew that bigger cities were more our speed.

Before going to bed I evaluated aspects of my life and how I've progressed from high school till today. Living in three major metropolitan cities and the career I've established for myself is something that I’m proud of.

For the last 4 years, the glue that has kept my life together is the love I’ve found with John and my three pups – I’m so blessed to have such a beautiful family! We live in an amazing home, we have fabulous family and friends who support us AND we’re both healthy - which is an amazing blessing!

I too often take things for granted and find myself sweating the small aspects of life instead of looking at the big picture. I need to stand on top of the mountain and look down and see the great life I'm living.

Memorial Day weekend served as a reminder to me to not become complaisant, forge ahead and achieve in my career, love my family and cherish every day I have on this long twisty road of of life. (Maybe a little too philosophical - but you get where I’m going with all of this)

Today is no ho-hum of a day - it's a day of gratitude. Join me in being thankful for all of the blessings we currently have and the amazing days we have to look forward to in our future!

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