Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Four years ago I blew out the candles on my birthday cake and wished for a successful-loving relationship with a sexy man. I've succeeded in this endeavor - John is totally amazing and I love the life we have set up with our two amazing pups!

John and I don’t plan on having children so our careers play a major role in our lives – which makes finding the right job, one that will make me completely and utterly happy, very important!


We treated ourselves to a fancy French dinner last night – a final quaint meal in one of our favorite neighborhood joints before we embark on a seven day adventure to Costa Rica with 16 friends.

John did his usual eavesdropping on conversations of the people dining around us. I was off in space collecting ideas of everything I needed to do before our trip.

When we both came back to reality, John started to talk about my career, and made a comment that struck a nerve with me. He said, "You remind me a lot of the character from that movie last night."

I knew he was referencing the movie Julie and Julia as we watched it in bed the night before. I blurted out, "You think I'm like Julia Child?"

"No, no, no, Julie - the character that Amy Adams played."

Adams played Julie, a married woman in Brooklyn who was turning 30. She was the literary editor for her college magazine and believed she would have written her first novel by the age of 30. Instead she was stuck in a dead-end government job watching her friends excel in their careers.

John said, "I think you are sitting on the cusp of greatness, you just need to figure what you want to do and you will have a great career!"

I haven't found the "one thing" I'm great at. I'm essentially "decent" at many things. I just haven't found that one passionate outlet that fully expresses me.

I believe in myself and my creative abilities and agree that I haven't found the right outlet to showcase my diverse skill set. I have a strong passion for photography, event planning, marketing non-profit organizations and telling stories.

In my career I’ve had no shortage of creative ideas for other people and organizations. What I need is to channel my skill set towards something that’s completely and totally all about what I do best and do it in a way that is extremely profitable.

KSlatz’s New Year's Resolution: Decide what to do with the rest of my life - stick to it - and be the best "insert career here" I can be!


mrehill said...

We watched Julie and Julia the other day too and I was sort of thinking about the same thing. Is teaching where I am supposed to be? Am I being all that I can? Anyway, enjoy Costa Rica...I'm sure it will be better than the winter weather here.

Robyn (aka Food Girl) said...

I hope your NYE's wish comes true in 2010! I think you're selling yourself short. You are very talented (not just good) in a lot of different areas. I have a great career/life coach I can recommend if you're looking for direction.