Friday, August 21, 2009


Mayor's Office of Special Events Intern class of 1999, in the Mayor's office.


I could drink legally, met my rock alternative idol, shook hands with the President, strapped on a leather helmet and goggles so I could fly around the skyline in a plane and fell in love with the greatest city in the world, Chicago!

I left the "land of corn" (Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL) making sure I packed my writing skills, public relations experience and my enormous best friend - I mean eagerness to succeed. I headed off to Chicago to start my first internship with the Mayor's Office of Special Events (MOSE).

I got paid very little to be an intern and the first thing I noticed was that beer was a lot more expensive in Chicago - no more 50 cent draft nights - and I often bought rounds of drinks on my credit card...those were some good times when I learned some real life lessons in finance!

I quickly became a trusted member of the small PR staff with MOSE that gave me experience writing press releases and media alerts while planning media events and working the summer free festival circuit. One event was a little more special than the rest; Taste of Chicago is the largest festival of the summer and provided a magical experience, one that I'll never forget.


Cheap Trick was performing and I heard rumors that some celebrity rockers will be hanging around backstage. What does one do when they hear such rumors? Spend most of my day back stage with your eyes wide open, DUH! I hoped to get a glimpse of someone famous - well famous to a 21 year old kid from the midwest in 1999.

I was sitting back stage of the Petrillo Band Shell in Grant Park on my lunch break, sharing cheese fries and eating an Italian beef sandwich with my coworker. Then, out of no where, Billy Corgan (of the 90's rock alternative band Smashing Pumpkins) sat down in front of us - walked up by himself like he was coming to chill with his friends in the lunch room in high school.

I was amazed at how personable he was and proceeded to have a casual conversation about the local music scene, the city's best bars on the north side and the disgusting amount of food we consumed at the festival that week. The conversation went on for quite a while and I was in the height of my glory - Billy Corgan is a legend!

In the 90's Corgan dominated the rock alternative scene with his melodic voice and unmistakable "spooky brand" made a huge imprint on my generation. He was from Chicago and went to school in the suburbs near where I grew up.

I took a weekend ACT class in his former high school and the teacher told everyone that he taught Corgan in the very same class room we were in taking the class.

That story stuck with me because I have always had hopes of greatness, wanting to achieve in whatever I decided to do when I "grew up" and someone making it from the suburbs of Chicago gave me hope to achieve some sort of greatness one day.

When he left the table my coworker whispered, "That was amazing!" And I responded, "A Chicago moment I'll always remember!"

Little did I know that I would begin to collect several unforgettable "Chicago moments" that summer. Yes oh yes - it was a summer to remember!

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