Monday, January 5, 2009


My starting weight is 199 (yikes, I gained a few extra lbs. since Friday!) 

John's starting weight is 183.5

Now that we are weighed in, it's time to start shedding the pounds. We need as much encouragement as possible. So if you see me or John eating a doughnut or pop tart...take it out of our hands and replace it with an apple.

Just to clarify, I am not looking to go skeleton skinny like Nicole Richie when she was her thinnest. I am looking to be skinny like Nicole was shortly after she gave birth. Know what I mean? 

My goal weight is 180 and John's is 155 so we need to both lose about 25-30 lbs. Our first weigh in is Feb. 28. I will report back then!  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

good luck, dude. Whats the plan? Train for another half-marathon? Cycling? Basketball? Just better nutrition?