Sunday, October 19, 2008


Many say this is the biggest endorsement of the campaign. I agree.

Former Secretary of State Colin Powell announced on Meet the Press this morning that he will break with his party and vote for Barack Obama. Colin Powell spoke out on many of the same concerns I have with the McCain-Palin ticket including: Pailn not ready to be President if called on, deeming the connection of Obama and Ayers as ridiculous and basically stating what the Obama ticket has been saying all along, McCain would bring back more of the same GOP garbage we have seen in the last 8 years.

I have to say, after watching Powell today, I had chills of excitement run through me. Powell is brave to stand against his party and make this announcement. I am glad someone is standing up and pointing out how truly ridiculous and appalling the desperate tactics the McCain campaign are making in the final days of the election.

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